Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All Day Seminar - May 11th with Michael Redford

Don't miss the Spring Seminar with Master Photographer Michael Redford of Pennsylvania. Michael is an excellent photographer and speaker and will be presenting a program titled "Essentials & Way Beyond of Building a Great Portrait  Studio."

Members can register in one of two ways:  They can attend the "program only" for FREE, or choose to have the food and beverages offered during the day for only $35.  The food and beverages include morning coffee/tea/juice, bagels and fruit, full lunch buffet with coffee/tea, plus afternoon cookies and soda.  Note, members who register for "program only" are not entitled to any food or beverages during the day.

Nonmembers are invited to attend this wonderful event. If they are a member of a state PPA affiliate they may attend for $75 (this includes all food and beverages during the day).  All other guests may attend for $125.  Note:  The fees noted are for pre-registration no later than  Monday, May 4, 2009.  Any registrations made or postmarked after that day will have a $30 late fee applied.

Go to ctppa.com to register and to get more details about time and place.


Many Connecticut photographers and CPPA members attended the 2009 New England Institute of Professional Photography (NEIPP) in Hyannis, MA from March 29 - April 3, 2009. Not only were CPPA members students, but others were involved in various ways throughout the week.  

Models: Bonnie Hutchison (seen here as photographed by Elizabeth Homan, M. Photog, and instructor from San Antonio, TX) and Jeffrey Robert Dyer
Connecticut Trustee:  Mike Spiegel
Day Class Instructor:  Ann Dyer (Painter)
Neipp Alumni President:  Richard Castiglione
Teaching Assistant: Richard Castiglione
Trade Show Exhibitor:  John DiLeonardo of Albums by Design

Charles Maring (a former CPPA member) taught a highly successful class on New York Style Weddings.  

CPPA members learned from the top photographers in the country and brought back a new sense of creativity, improved posing and lighting techniques, effective marketing and business practices, among other things.