Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Trash the Dress on National TV with member spotlight

Trash the dress! Don't know what that is all about? It is all the rage and it was featured on this morning's Today Show. CPPA member, Jerome Braga, of Studio 1923 in Middletown, has a photo featured on the Today Show website.

View the segment video and click on image #13 at the top of the screen to see Jerome's work. Congratulations!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All Day Seminar - May 11th with Michael Redford

Don't miss the Spring Seminar with Master Photographer Michael Redford of Pennsylvania. Michael is an excellent photographer and speaker and will be presenting a program titled "Essentials & Way Beyond of Building a Great Portrait  Studio."

Members can register in one of two ways:  They can attend the "program only" for FREE, or choose to have the food and beverages offered during the day for only $35.  The food and beverages include morning coffee/tea/juice, bagels and fruit, full lunch buffet with coffee/tea, plus afternoon cookies and soda.  Note, members who register for "program only" are not entitled to any food or beverages during the day.

Nonmembers are invited to attend this wonderful event. If they are a member of a state PPA affiliate they may attend for $75 (this includes all food and beverages during the day).  All other guests may attend for $125.  Note:  The fees noted are for pre-registration no later than  Monday, May 4, 2009.  Any registrations made or postmarked after that day will have a $30 late fee applied.

Go to ctppa.com to register and to get more details about time and place.


Many Connecticut photographers and CPPA members attended the 2009 New England Institute of Professional Photography (NEIPP) in Hyannis, MA from March 29 - April 3, 2009. Not only were CPPA members students, but others were involved in various ways throughout the week.  

Models: Bonnie Hutchison (seen here as photographed by Elizabeth Homan, M. Photog, and instructor from San Antonio, TX) and Jeffrey Robert Dyer
Connecticut Trustee:  Mike Spiegel
Day Class Instructor:  Ann Dyer (Painter)
Neipp Alumni President:  Richard Castiglione
Teaching Assistant: Richard Castiglione
Trade Show Exhibitor:  John DiLeonardo of Albums by Design

Charles Maring (a former CPPA member) taught a highly successful class on New York Style Weddings.  

CPPA members learned from the top photographers in the country and brought back a new sense of creativity, improved posing and lighting techniques, effective marketing and business practices, among other things.   

Monday, March 23, 2009

The CPPA Board of Directors At Work

At this point the CPPA Board has already begun searching for this coming year’s talent and sponsors. And I do mean sponsors, for without them we cannot deliver the kind of programs that the membership deserves, especially in this economy. Your President-Elect (Susan Drew) has already been in touch with some of the best talent known to us. I feel confident that this coming year will be even better than this past one. So check out our website www.ctppa.com for upcoming events. Should you have any suggestions for talent and or vendors please do not hesitate in contacting either Susan (PresidentElect@ctppa.com) or myself (President@ctppa.com). We will all (CPPA) appreciate your input.


Monday, March 16, 2009

March 25, 2009 Program - Don't Miss It! Deadline Approaches

The March 25th quarterly meeting at Laurel View promises to be quite intriguing. Jen Hillenga will be our speaker on that night helping us to express ourselves through the lens of the camera while teaching us some of her successful marketing techniques. It is a definite program to not miss. Again, go to our website www.ctppa.com and check out the details.

The deadline to sign up for the dinner is Wednesday, March 18th. You can register online and it only takes a moment to sign up. If you wish to come just for the program, sign up by Friday, March 20th (so Registration can have a badge ready for you). You can do this online or contact Bruce Hutchison at bruce@bhphotographers.com. The dinner starts at 6:00 PM and the program starts at 7:00. Until next time, get involved and make this organization of volunteers a success by being at each of the programs.


PS Look out for information on CPPA’s new informal meetings that anyone (even none members) can attend at no cost. Thanks for your time!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Visiting the MA & RI PPA Conventions

As I write this message I reflect on two New England PPA Conventions that I was able to attend, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It was quite different to actually sit down and listen to each of the speakers at each of these conventions. I did get a lot out of each convention and learned that having all day speakers is a good thing. RI had a three day convention with three all day speakers. And, I will say, that each speaker was excellent in delivering his/her own subjects in great detail that even I could follow. All in all, I did enjoy both of these conventions.

Familiar Faces: There were other CPPA members attending the RI Convention which was really great because they are taking advantage of other learning opportunities, not just what CPPA has to offer. All in all, there were 12 of us and two were Print Judges!

I plan to visit the Vermont and New Hampshire PPA Conventions in April.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Message from CPPA President, Dan Tual

The 2009 60th Annual CPPA Convention, Trade Show and Print Exhibition, February 6-9, 2009 was a huge success partly due to the fact that we had such a different schedule than we have had in the past. This year, unlike other years, we began our Convention at 12:30 PM on Friday, February 6th with our Annual Print Competition. It concluded that night which gave all of the volunteers an opportunity to see the rest of the programs. I would like to acknowledge Mark Brendel, Print Committee and all of the volunteers for a job well done.

We also introduced our first speaker, Carla Ten Eyck, and CPPA member at 3:00 PM on Friday with over 90 in attendance. Her program on blogging was a big success. Who knew so many people would come at that hour during a work day.

The second great event that differed from other years is that on Saturday night we had an "All Convention" party open to all CPPA Members and full-convention attendees at no charge. Hors d'oeuvres, cheese and fruit stations, beer, wine and soda were served in the Garden area adjacent to the pool from 7-11 PM with many people there after midnight. With the attendance around 90 it was not a party that many wanted to leave early. It gave us all a chance to visit in a relaxed environment - FOR FREE!

When this different convention format was first discussed, we (the Board) did not know how, or if, it would work to everyone's satisfaction. Well, from the feedback that I and others have received, I would say "IT WORKED." Even with the economy at a very low point people still came out.

Did you see us on the 61 News at 10:00 PM on Monday, February 9, 2009? Thanks to Marietta St. Onge for using her contacts at the station to have a camera crew and interviewer come to the Crowne Plaza and interview Harvey Goldstein about about keynote speaker, David Hume Kennerly.

Dan Tual
President, CPPA

Message from PPANE President - CPPA Convention

Greetings CPPA Members!

Thank you for the hospitality on my recent visit to your 60th Convention. Coming to Connecticut as I told many of you has a sense of coming home to me being that I was born in Hartford.

The enthusiasm and energy that I felt from your board and members of the forward thinking of what your association is doing to re-adjust to the challenges of the economy was contagious. I heard many new ideas and exciting plans CPPA has. It just shows that in troubled times we pull together and go back to our roots. I know for myself like many of you know, the associations are our roots and can provide us with fertile ground to grow with the education, camaraderie, and support they provide.

As an affiliated judge I wanted to share with you how enjoyable I thought your print show was this year. Your level of creativity originality was superb! Congratluations to all who entered.

I posted up my visit to Connecticut on the PPANEprez blog. Please go the blog. Also, if you are a facebook user join PPANE group by clicking here.

Thank you again for making Brad and I feel at home and I wish all of you a very prosperous year!

Donna M. Goodhue